Iteration 13 Release Notes

Release Date: 09/04/2018

New Features in AVA

Delete Records 

Previously you could only delete records in the Events module in AVA. This feature has been expanded now so that you can delete records in any module, if you have the required permissions. This is important to allow companies to practice good housekeeping.

EPR Meter Readings & Submission Complete Tab

You may need to record EPR data for certain utilities at a meter level, for example, where you have large plants or operate in a construction environment.

The ability to record at this level is now available in the product, by clicking the EPR meter icon available for each indicator.

A new tab called ‘Submission Complete’ is also available which allows the Submitter to mark the record as complete from their perspective.  Further work is required on the state model, however this tab will act as a trigger to move the record to be ‘Closed’ or ‘Awaiting Approval’.

Over the next couple of iterations we will be fleshing this out further to complete the validation on save, introduce logic to sum the data at the meter level to display in the main part of the record, as well as auto populating data based on a previous reading.

We’re currently working on the permission driven EPR Import to enable on-boarding and import of bulk data as this is a common scenario for our clients.

Update to Claims Trigger

The trigger for the Claims functionality in the Events module has been updated to ensure that this field cannot be edited once the record has reached a state of ‘Closed With Claims’.

Previously, this was editable, therefore allowing a user to remove important Claims data once the record had been completed.

Sign-off Dates

When signing off a record, a read only date picker that would auto-populate on sign-off was previously displayed above the sign off tick box. This could confuse users as it gave the impression that they would have to complete the date. This has now been removed from the UI with the date added to the record automatically once signed off.

Time Into Shift

The time into shift field on new Events is used to specify the number of hours and minutes into a shift a person was when an event occurred. We previously used a time picker here which went up to 23:59, this could confuse the users into thinking they were logging the time of the incident. Instead, we now just use numbered lists that can go up to 19:59, which reduces the risk of being confused as the time.


The “Self Verification Required?” label was confusing as there is no reference to who this pertains to. To avoid confusion, the question this has been relabelled to “Allow Assignee to Verify?”.


New Features in AVA Mobile

The Record ID is now being returned to the mobile paging screen making it easy to match your submission to the record in AVA.

Loading Spinners have been added where appropriate so that the user is aware they’re waiting for something to load.

The new form version check has been improved so that it will always check for form changes whenever a new form is started.

The Draft Screen now clearly shows you your submission status there is also a submission acknowledgement after submitting.


Bug Fixes

Audit Template Activation 

There was an issue where multiple versions of the same template could be active at the same time. This is incorrect behaviour as AVA is designed to have only one version active at a time, and the UI cannot differentiate between the versions. We have solved this by deactivating all other versions if a template is made active.

Inactive Users Still In Drop-downs

Now when assigning auditor/auditee/actions etc, inactive users can no longer be selected.

Allow Assigned Action to be Deleted

Previously a record could be stuck in an the ‘Awaiting Acceptance’ state if it had been assigned to a user who has left a company. An assigned Action can now be deleted to stop this problem.

Audit Summary Tile – 12 Month Overview

The 12 Month Overview tile within the Audit Summary was previously returning no data, even though there were valid results to display.  This has been resolved to display the correct data.

Event Type Not Updating In Paging

The Event Type column in the Events Module Homepage was previously not populating if a user created a record without updating the Event Details tab properly.  This has now been updated to ensure that the ‘Primary Event Type’ value pulls through to the paging screen where the even hasn’t been updated in the Event Details tab. This is a short term workaround until the workflow of all modules can be re-evaluated.