Iteration 16 Release Notes

Release Date: 18/06/2018

New Features in AVA

EPR – Data Import Validation

Further work has been completed on the EPR import, and so this now includes validation for the following lists:

  • Reporting Point
  • Location Level 1
  • Unit of Measure
  • Provider
  • Comments
  • Indicator
  • File Format (xlsx & csv)
  • Template

A read only sample of the file is also now displayed before importing to show you what’s been picked up in the file.  This makes it easier for any major issues to be spotted before validation e.g. Reporting Points are in the Indicator column.

EPR – Data Import UX Improvements

The UX of the import process has been massively improved, and there are now messages displayed to confirm back to you that the import is in progress.  Previously, this file browse screen was displayed while data imported which made it look like nothing was happening.

EPR – Data Import Error Log

Following validation, a file sample now displays on screen to show where the errors have been found within the first 100 rows of the file.  Columns and rows with errors are highlighted in red, and a summary of the issues is also displayed on screen.

An error log is now produced following validation of the import file, which means that you can easily identify where the full list of issues are to resolve in the data.

EPR – Summary

The EPR Summary is now available, complete with a carbon emissions chart.  The functionality is the same as all other summaries, with drill through and permissions.

Coming soon will be an update to this to provide more complex calculations.


New Module – Corporate Social Responsibility

The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) module is for organisations who want to understand the impact that their projects have on society.
Organisations who use or would like to use the social value bank to calculate their social impact are often left with nowhere to create and store their CSR data. This makes it difficult to not only access their data, but they also have no way of reporting on it to get a true analytical view.
Our CSR module, utilising HACT’s value bank, allows you to add all of your social projects and outcomes using the simple and efficient AVA interface. We’ll then take this data and calculate the value of your projects, and give you all of the tools needed to report on this data and understand your social impact.
Getting started is easy, we are working in partnership with HACT meaning we keep all social bank values up-to-date so that you don’t have to worry.

You can create a new CSR record from the module home screen, and you will then be presented with the CSR entry form for the project details, that uses the same style and modern UI that is consistent throughout the AVA system.

Once you have inputted the project details you can add the associated outcomes. We’ve made this easy by adding an area picker to create the outcome in the right area.

Add in the details of all of the outcomes and the values will be calculated.

You can then see your overall social impact in in the summary section.

In-line with other modules in AVA, you can also administer the CSR labels with the main Administration area. This allows you to adapt the wording to align more closely with your business processes.

You can also configure the CSR specific permissions in the ‘Permission Groups’ area.

Querying is also available in CSR allowing you to analyse the CSR records in your system.


Bug Fixes

Problem: If using Office 365 single sign on to log in, and click the ID from a notification email, you are taken to the home page.
Resolution: You are now correctly taken to the record in question.

Problem: You cannot enter an email address when scheduling a report. If you enter the email address then move to the next field it clears the text.
Resolution: Address is now retained when you leave the field.

Problem: An export will contain information regarding all sites, regardless of permissions.
Resolution: Permissions are now respected and the export only contains those sites that a user has permission to see.

Problem: Unable to add .wmv or .mp4 file attachments.
Resolution: File types now added to approved list.