Iteration 17 Release Notes

Release Date: 09/07/2018

New Features in AVA

Sharing Dashboards  

You can now share dashboards you’ve made with other users in the system, allowing business KPIs and best practice reporting to be shared across the business.

For each dashboard you can:

  • Filter all users via the lookup
  • Sort the user list returned
  • Filter to see who it is currently shared with
  • See a count of how many people the board is shared with
  • Multi select/un-select

Shared boards are indicated by the share icon turning green, and you can un-share the dashboard, simply un-select all and save the changes made (which turns the share icon white).

When a board is shared, users will be able to see this appear in the ‘Shared With Me’ section of the Dashboard page.

Shared dashboards are not editable to those users that the board is shared with, and their permissions are applied on top to ensure security is respected throughout the system.

Coming next is the ability to share with Permission Groups.

Monthly Stats Charts  

The tile library has been updated with 4 new Monthly Stats charts as follows:

  • 12 Month Rolling Accident Incident Rate
  • 12 Month Rolling Accident Frequency Rate
  • 12 Month Rolling Days Away, Restricted & Transfer Case Rate
  • 12 Month Rolling Legally Reportable Rate
  • Lost Time Incident Rate Chart
  • Lost Time Day Rate Chart

These can now be added to Dashboards and Reports created in the system.

These charts make use of the calculation engine to allow us to handle the A/B*C formula that sits behind these, where A and B are the results of user defined queries.

This brings more best practice into the product as these are industry standard statistics, at the same time as removing a lot of development time previously needed to customise the queries going into each piece of the formula.

Coming soon is filters, giving the ability to edit each piece of the formula, for example change the Event Sub Types selected, the multipliers used etc.

New Group By options in Event charts

When you have run a query on the Event records in your AVA system, you may wish to add the results to a chart. The Group By options allows you to select by what you want your results to be grouped by.

We have extended the options available here to offer even more flexibility in your reporting and analytics, so on top of the existing options, you can now also group by:

Legally Reportable
Incident Type
Material Type
Point of release
Illness Type


Life Saving Rule Involved
Investigator Name

Process Safety

Category of Process Safety
Utility Disruption
Loss of Containment
Mode of Operation


Security Category

Vehicle Type

Vehicle Motion


Grid Chart

There are many chart types available in AVA to view your data, but in some scenarios a grid showing the actual number data is the best way to consume the data. We have therefore added ‘Grid Chart’ option to the chart type list.

Adding free text and images to dashboards

If sharing dashboards with colleagues, you may want to give an explanation about something that appears on it.

With a dashboard in edit mode, you can now add a Rich Text Tile.

This allows you to add formatted free text to your tile to display on your dashboard.


Additionally, you may want to add logos or charts not created on AVA to a dashboard.

By adding a URL (web address) to an image, this will then display on your dashboard.

Free Text Search

You are now able to search all free text fields in the Events, Actions and Audit modules. This allows you to find text in records that is not contained in pick-lists. This option can be found in the module filter/query screen for each of these 3 modules.

‘Specific Location’ data in emails 

Following customer feedback, the ‘specific location’ field data is included in the triage and investigation Event emails.

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