Iteration 18 Release Notes

Release Date: 30/07/2018

New Features in AVA

Monthly Stats Chart Filters 

You can now edit the filters on the queries behind the Monthly Statistics chats that were delivered as part of iteration 17.

When in edit mode, by clicking the filter icon on the chart you are able to change global filters via the sliding pane i.e. Hierarchy and Date (From/To or Sliding Period).  In additional you can edit the multiplier applied to the chart, which was previously a setting in Admin, and so this provides more flexibility for our global clients who may want to produce different charts for geographical locations.

The ‘Module Specific Queries’ section allows you to take a deeper dive and edit the component queries that are used to produce the rate on the chart.  Clicking these will navigate you to the module query screen where you can edit filter, and save to return to the chart.

Audit Log

The Audit log is now available for all modules, allowing you to see the changes made to fields within a specific record.  Here you can see:

  • The date and UTC time of the change
  • Who made the change
  • What the field changed from/to

Visibility of the Audit Log tab within each record is restricted by permission to System Admins only.

Coming next are some UI and UX improvements for the way in which the labels display, lookup functionality to help you quickly find key words and the display of the tab name to make it easier to see where in the record the change was made.


Sharing Dashboards With Permission Groups

As well as sharing dashboards with specific users, you are now able to share with Permission Groups.

This functionality is not restricted by any permissions and so allows you to easily share with large groups of people e.g. all Managers.

When you select to share a dashboard, there is now an additional toggle in the top right-hand corner called ‘Groups’.  This displays all Permission Groups available in the system, and multiples can be select as with the ‘Users’ view.

You can switch between the ‘Users’ and ‘Groups’ view to select a mix of users and groups to share with.

The lookup functionality, sort and a count of selected items is also available in this view.

Sliding Dates

The sliding dates option within the queries screen allows you to create dynamic queries and charts for a period e.g. this week; last week; next week. The sliding dates option was previously only available on Event Date and Action Target Date, and it could also be used in conjunction the standard to/from date options, which could lead to confusion when 0 results were returned.

Sliding date is now available across all modules and anywhere you see a to/from date option. A radio button has also been added meaning you can now only select to/from date or a sliding date, reducing the risk of adding conflicting filters.

Company logo on reports

You are now able to add your own company logo to any reports that you produce. To add your logo, go to: Administration > System Settings and add the desired logo (150 x 50 pixels)

This will then add your company logo to all reports produced by anyone in your company.

New ‘Function’ Field in Audit Module

An optional ‘Function’ field has now been added to Audit Details page, allowing you to specify the area of your business the Audit applied to.

Using List and Label Admin you can configure this field to make it relevant to your business.


Bug Fixes

Problem: An Action record can be stuck in a locked state if allowing the assignee to reject, they reject, and then you remove the ability for them to reject.
Resolution: The record now moves back to an In Progress state.

Problem: No option to add an attachment to an Action being created from an Event.
Resolution: Attachment option now added to Action screen.

Problem: When a new investigator is assigned in an Event, they do not get an email notification to alert them.
Resolution: Email now sent to new investigator.