Iteration 20 Release Notes

Release Date: 10/09/2018

New Features in AVA

In Page Translations

System Administrators can now easily administer field labels and tool tips in the system, without having to go via the Administration Module.

To activate, simple click the grey user icon in the top right of the screen, and toggle the ‘Enable In Page Translations’ field to ‘On’.

You can then hover over any label on screen and right click to edit the label name and any language you have in the system.

This updated across the system in the same way as doing it from the main Administration Module.

Note: The functionality will default to ‘Off’ each time you navigate to a new page.


Legally Privileged Updates

The Legally Privileged (LP) functionality in the Events Module has now bee updated to ensure that a Reporter with no LP permission can complete their job.

Where a record is marked as LP and saved, permissions will continue to work as normal, with the exception of the Reporter/Creator, who will still be able to access the record while it is in a status of ‘In Progress’.

This means that where they do not have LP permission, they are still able to completed the information on the Event Details tab before progressing the record to Triage or Investigation, at which point they will no longer have access.


EPR – Closed Status

You can now push an EPR record into a ‘Closed’ status by ticking the ‘Submission Complete’ tick box in the ‘Submission Complete’ tab and saving the record.   Once the record is in this status all fields will become read only.


EPR – Unlock Functionality

You can now unlock any record that has entered a ‘Closed’ status by clicking the padlock icon at the top of the screen.

Any user with ‘EPR Write’ permission can see this icon, and once clicked the record will return to a status of ‘In Progress’ with all fields editable .


EPR – Data Quality Field 

You can now record the ‘Data Quality’ at the Indicator and meter reading level on the record.

Where a value has been entered at the Indicator level, and a meter reading is added, a message will display on screen to advise that this may now change depending on the ‘Data Quality’ responses chosen for each meter reading.

Where all Data Quality fields are blank , or matching at the meter reading level, the main ‘Data Quality’ field at the Indicator will display this value.

Where the ‘Data Quality’ responses are mixed at meter level, the ‘Data Quality’ field at the Indicator level will display as ‘Mixed’ and become read only.


EPR Administration

Lists and Labels can now be administered for the EPR module, allowing you to configure the system to match your business if needed.  This includes things such as Unit of Measure, Indicators and their associated attributes.

List items can also be de-activated and filtered on as per other modules.

Coming soon for EPR is Template Administration which will allow you to create and manage you EPR templates, as well as enhanced reporting capabilities.

Release Note Notifications

Notifications of new release notes being published is now visible from within AVA. If new release notes are published to the site you are currently on, the new notifications button will show a green dot:

If you click this button you will be taken the latest published release notes and the green dot will clear. Click the notifications button at any other time and you will be take to the main page where all historic release notes can be viewed.

New Action Tracking UDQ – ‘Records Raised From’

The Records Raised From UDQ allows you to filter your action records on those that were raised directly from another type of record.

So the screenshot example above would filter your Action Tracking records to only show records created directly from an Audit record.

Events – Custom Field Reporting

AVA gives you the flexibility of adding custom fields to your forms to allowing you to record any information you need to. Until now you have not been able to report on these fields .

Now you are able to filter on custom fields, add them to charts and see the data in exports, making the analytics available to you much richer.

This solution will be rolled out to additional modules in future iterations.

AVA Mobile App

Offline Usage

You are now able to use the app even if you do not have a data connection. So long as you have already logged in whilst you have a connection, you can load the app and create both Event and Action records. This is possible as lots of the necessary data is now stored on your device.

Some fields within AVA are driven by logic based on your users’ permissions and your physical hierarchy. All possible combinations results would results in large amounts of data both being downloaded and being stored on your device. As a result, we only bring this information down to your device once you have selected a reporting point, which vastly reduces the amount of possible options, thus reducing the download size. For this to happen you must have a data connection.

When you reach a field that requires a data connection you will be presented with the following:

This example is the Action Assignee question. If you do not have a data connection when you have selected the reporting point, the necessary data will not on your phone. You are still able to complete all other questions apart from this, and the correct list will be available the next time you have a data connection and load this draft record – allowing you to select the assignee and submit the record.

Currently this solution is not required in Events as we can store all of the data on your device, and only the assignee field within Action Tracking. As more mobile modules are made available and the existing modules become more complex, this same solution will be used where necessary.

Mandatory Field Visibility

Previously you could only identify if a field was mandatory by clicking Submit and observing the mandatory field errors. You can now identify by observing the red dot on any mandatory field – which will turn green once you have completed the field.

Bug Fixes

Problem: Cannot search Audit records using their ID in OneSearch
Resolution: Audit IDs added to index allowing them to be searched