Release 28

Release Date: 25th February 2019

Severity Matrix Score

  • Your Severity Matrix can now hold an associated score
  • This feature is turned off by default
  • Ask your Account Manager if you think this could benefit your tenant of AVA

Severity Matrix Colours

  • We can now offer the option to use different colours within your Severity Matrix
  • Ask your Account Manager if you think this could benefit your tenant of AVA

Auto-Populating Reporter Fields by a Feed

  • Currently when raising an Events record, certain fields on the form will auto-populate, based on the logged-in User
  • For our clients that require more data stored against the reporting user of a record, you can now map a Feed to auto-populate more fields on the form, including custom fields
  • Ask your Account Manager if you think this could benefit your tenant of AVA

Default-Role Location Feed

  • Set the Hierarchy Point of your Users’ default Role based on a Feed
  • This feature will benefit our clients whose Users move Hierarchy Point on a regular basis
  • Once your User-Permission Feed is configured in ACT and System Settings screen of AVA Admin, whenever a User logs into AVA the Default-Role location will align with the Feed
  • Any permissions applied to a User manually by a System Admin will not be affected
  • Ask your Account Manager if you think this could benefit your tenant of AVA