Custom Field Update – Attachments

Release Date: 23rd March 2020

AVA has, for a while, had a custom field that allows the user to upload files. This release contains an extension to that field which allows the implementation team to apply restrictions to that field which will:

  • Restrict the allowed file types that can be uploaded. This means that you can have a specific field for supporting images, for example, and make sure that the field only accepts image file types.
  • Restrict the number of attachments that can be added to that field. This is useful for when you want to make sure that the number of attachments is limited to a certain amount, especially in situations where you might want to output the attachments for export or print. For supporting images, this is useful again as you want to limit the number of images to try and keep it to a small, relevant amount.
AVA Attachment Field

These restrictions are only in place for custom fields or core attachment fields. The existing record level attachment feature doesn’t have these restrictions applied to it.