Update to Actions Workflow for Closed Actions

Release Date: 23rd March 2020

In this release, there is a change which will allow closed Action records to be unlocked in order to update the information and then progress the record as you would normally.

There is a new permission called UNLOCK which is available for the Actions module. Your system administrator can grant this permission for specific users. The reason this is done through a new permission is to avoid the potential situation where a named user leaves the business and cannot be unlocked. By having a unique permission, it can be assigned to anyone who can then perform the unlock on the record.

Once a user has this permission when an Action is in the Closed state, there will be a padlock icon at the top of the screen that is used to move the record back to the In Progress state.

Unlock Closed Action Padlock Icon

Once in that state, the record details can be updated and progressed through the normal workflow for the Actions Module.

When the record is unlocked back to In Progress, the person who created the record will get an email notification to inform them the record has been unlocked.