Documents Module

You can now store documents in AVA, providing you with one central place to access the latest versions of anything you wish to store, from Standard Operating Procedures to Policies and Training information.

Documents Module Icon

The simple workflow makes it’s really easy to see what status the documents are at, decide if these need to go through an approval process and ensure only those authorised to do so can access and/or publish the records where necessary.

You can also add ‘Keywords’ to each document added, which can be queries on via UDQ to easily find documents relating to specific topics.

Each record can store not only a number of Document Types but also multiple attachments for each. The Document Types added to each record can then be viewed in a clear summary within the record for ease of reference.

The module comes with all the standard AVA record functionality such as adding Actions, record level file attachments, Audit Log, linked records, UDQ and inclusion in One serch.

If you would like to hear more about the module or see a demo, please contact your Account Manager.