WhatsApp & SMS Reporting

Sometimes it can be difficult to encourage colleagues, contractors and other fringe users to log events in AVA, due to lack of time, understanding or not having a login.

Frictionless Reporting uses our AI Bot to allow your colleagues to quickly and easily report an event via SMS or WhatsApp, meaning you can collect the data you need.

Example conversation with the AVA Bot.

It’s quick and simple to use, as it asks users a series of questions for key information needed to create the event. The Bot is also intelligent enough to understand what information you’re providing it, and pick out the key details it needs such as descriptions, dates and Reporting Points.

What you allow users to input via this method is easily configurable using permission groups in Administration, meaning you have full control over this and The Bot will also pick up the correct labels from your system to ensure the language being used is familiar e.g Near Miss vs Close Call etc.

You’ll have your own dedicated phone number, meaning your data is protected and colleagues can store the same number in their mobile phone.

Once the key details are collected (including image attachments) from the conversation, a record is then created in AVA, allowing you to add more details, investigate further if needed and report accordingly.

If you’d like to find out more about this innovative functionality and how it can help your business, please contact your Account Manager to arrange a demo.