Charts: Audit Answer, Audit Findings and Observation Response options

Released: 6th July 2020

Added via the Ideas Portal

Trending by Audit Answers

A new level of Audit analysis can now be achieved on your Dashboards and Reports with Audit Answer options enabled to aggregate on and group by, helping you to validate good performance or home in on areas of non-compliance.

You can configure these new options yourself or simply look for Audit Answers for this YTD in the Tile Catalogue.

Audit Answers in the Tile Catalogue

Trending by Audit Finding

Similar to Audit Answers, you can now trend by Audit Findings. Series options for Audit Findings have been enabled also, so you can group by Answer and Series by Finding.

Look for Audit Findings for this YTD in the Tile Catalogue.

Trending by Observation Response

Observation Responses within the Pro-Active Module have also been enabled for use in Charts.

Look for Observation Responses for this YTD in the Tile Catalogue.