Released: 9th July 2020
Previously, once an Action record reached a state on ‘Awaiting Verification’ the named Verifier could not be changed by any user.
It also was not possible to make changes on the record and keep it at the same status.
This presented the problem of a poor experience as well as a number of Support calls when amendments were needed, the assigned user had left the team/business, or the assigned user was out of office unexpectedly.
We’ve now enhanced the module to resolve this issue, by extending the ‘Override’ permission to cover the Verifier name.
This means that any user with this permission will be able to change both the ‘Action Assignee’ name as well as the ‘Action Verifier’ where this is not them.
In addition, any user making this change will be able to ‘Save’ the record, meaning that they don’t need to Accept/Reject the record in order to save the change.
Notifications will continue to trigger as normal when the named person is changed.