COVID-19 Tracker

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact the world, we appreciate that you want to do everything possible to keep your colleagues safe, and with some countries now returning to the workplace, it’s more critical to monitor in order to act quickly.

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To try to help you and your organisation in doing this, we have developed the COVID-19 Tracker module which allows you to quickly and easily record possible and confirmed cases.

Quickly record possible and confirmed cases.

As with all AVA modules, the entry form is configurable which allows you to record any extra information you’d like to collect, turn fields off or amend list values i.e. if you’d like to track something other than COVID-19.

Not only can you record categorised cases to monitor, but you can also use the system to identify areas of concern such as skill shortages, suspected sources of infection, cases by country/hierarchy etc.

With the power of the analytics already in the product, you can build a dashboard to easily see a snapshot of the statistics you care about, and share this will colleagues using the share functionality currently available.

You can report on a daily basis for this module, meaning you can track changes across the business day to day (see below screen shot), as well as using the GPS functionality to quickly see hot spots of cases.

*GPS functionality is subject to an additional charge.

Example Dashboard you can create.

In addition to this you could run a query to create a custom notification, and utilise the SMS functionality if this is available for your system to instantly alert colleagues when a case is logged.

*SMS functionality is subject to an additional charge.

Use the query and ‘Create Notification’ functions to create a custom alert.

If you’re interested to hear more about this functionality and how it could be configured for your business, please contact your Account Manager to discuss further.