Iteration 19 Release Notes

Release Date: 20/07/2018

New Features in AVA

Legally Privileged 

You can now mark Event records as ‘Legally Privileged’, meaning that once the record is saved only the named ‘Legally Privileged’ people can see the details of the record.

Any user can make a record Legally Privileged at any point in the process, and the permission will take effect immediately on ‘Save’.

When the ‘Is this Legally Privileged’ field is ticked, a multi select field appears allowing you to select the Legally Privileged users.  This list is permission driven and so only those users with the permission for the selected Reporting Point will appear.




Following ‘Save’, only those named users will be able to open the record.  All other users with the relevant permissions to see data for the Reporting Point and Event Type will be able to see the record in paging results i.e. via Query or the Module Homepage but will not be able to open the record.

Paging screens have been updated to clearly indicate which records are marked as Legally Privileged, and where a user is not able to access an on screen message will display.

Legally privileged records have also been removed form Export and One Search.

Please Note: This functionality is turned off by default, and so if you wish to use this, please contact your Account Manager/Implementer.


Audit Log Updates

The Audit Log has been improved to include the following:

  • Lookup field – Returns the set of changes (by date) containing the word being looked up.
  • Field Names are now reflected as per the entry form.
  • Tab Names display to allow you to easily find where the field sits.
  • Question names are included for Pro-Active, Audit and EPR to identify which question the field was changed for.

Bug Fixes

Problem: Outlook attachments (.msg) can no longer be attached to records.
Resolution: File type added to our safe attachments meaning they can now be added.

Problem: Action cannot be deleted when at an Accept/Reject stage.
Resolution: Ability to delete at this stage added.

Problem: When scheduling a report you are not told what the minimum character value is.
Resolution: Minimum character value now displayed on screen.

Problem: Hyphen character not accepted as a valid character in an email address.
Resolution: Hyphen can now be specified in an email address.

Problem: The text in the recent records table headers is cut off if it exceeds the available space.
Resolution: The text will now wrap onto a new row if required.