Exciting News: New Task Based Mobile Experience!!!

We are really excited to bring you a brand new experience for mobile that makes it quicker to add records, focus on tasks assigned and easily finish tasks that were started all from a single page, the new mobile My Tasks homepage. This will be enabled automatically on Aug 1st, 2024.

New Tasks Based Mobile Experience

What’s new?

  1. The new experience focuses on tasks assigned by making My Tasks as the new mobile homepage.
  2. You can quickly add records from the mobile homepage by clicking on the Quick Add button (blue plus button on the bottom right corner of the screen). You will be able to add records to all modules you are permitted to.
  3. You will see due dates for actions assigned. If the task is overdue, the due dates would turn red drawing attention to take action ASAP.
  4. You will see all drafts, for all modules, in the Drafts tab on the mobile homepage.
  5. You will see all your recent activities with assigned tasks under the Recent Activity tab.
  6. You can customise your mobile homepage by going to:
    Menu -> My Details -> Portable device landing page -> Selecting an option from the dropdown.
    My Tasks would be the default homepage.

Key Benefits

  1. Always stay up to date on tasks assigned and due dates on mobile from the homepage.
  2. Reduce time and clicks to add records.
  3. Access all drafts from mobile homepage.
  4. Ability to customise mobile homepage for a focused experience.