Iteration 26 & 27 Release Notes

Release Date: 6th February 2019

Dynamic Audit Questions & Dynamic Audit Template

  • We now provide the ability to add questions to your Audits on the fly
  • To unlock this feature for existing Audit Templates, ask your System Administrator to toggle Allow Dynamic Questions to Active at Audit Template level
  • Once this feature is unlocked for a template you will see an Add Question button available to select at the bottom of each Audit Section
  • Selecting the Add Question button allows you to add the Question text. Here you can customise and toggle aspects of the question such as scoring, depending what type of audit you are conducting
  • Once saved the new question will appear in your Audit immediately
  • We have also added a Dynamic Audit Template so you can create a Non-Scoring Audit as you go. Ask your Local or System Administrator if you do not have access to this
  • Note this is currently an AVA Web only feature

Query Performance & Redesign

  • We have fully redesigned the Query screen in AVA, for usability and performance improvements
  • When starting a New Query, rather than load every filter available, you will see the most commonly used filters in the main Applied Filters panel
  • All other fields can be found in the Additional Filters panel on the left-hand side
  • Selecting the field with a Plus (+) icon instantly adds Additional Filters to your Query. Selecting the Trash Can/Bin icon in the Applied Filters panel removes them
  • Now, when you reload an existing Query, you will only see the filters you have used in the Applied Filters panel 

Reporting Point Selection (Show Parent)

  • When selecting a Reporting Point on the form or in a Query you will now see that Reporting Point’s Parent in brackets
  • Note this is to aid in selection only. Your records will only show the Reporting Point once saved, as before

Sub Sub Type

  • By client request, we have now added Sub Sub Type as a core AVA field. This will be turned off for all clients by default

US Date Format

  • Our US clients can now see dates in the correct format (Month-Day-Year) while in AVA
  • If this does not update for you automatically, simply change your language to English (Unites States) in your User Profile, Logout and then Login

Month – Day – Year


Email Amendments

  • Based on user feedback we have added a number of new fields to our Subscription Emails for Actions and Events
  • For Out-The-Box Emails we have also added Event Type and SubType to the Email Subject line

Iteration 26:

  • Formflow performance – Reduced time to add new records by 50%
  • Import performance – Time reduced by 33%