Iteration 14 Release Notes

Release Date: 07/05/2018

New Features in AVA

Password Reset Expiry

More useful information is now supplied on screen regarding password resets. You are informed on the email that the password reset will expire within 24 hours, and if you do click on an expired password reset link, the message on screen will advise of this.

GDPR – Masking PII Fields

To ensure the product is compliant with GDPR, we have introduced new functionality to be able to mask any data in an Event record which is classed as Personally Identifiable Information (PII).

A new permission is now available called ‘Personal Info’ which allows the user to see the data within any field that is marked as PII.  Users without this permission will not be able to see the data, unless they are the Creator and the status of the record is ‘In Progress’.  Once the record progresses out of this state, the Creator can no longer see the data in these field, unless they have the relevant permission.

The Reporter Name has also been removed from the paging screens as part of this work, and all PII fields have been completely removed from any Export output to prevent loopholes.

For the full list of PII fields, please speak to support or your account manager.

Location Level 1 on EPR

The ‘Location Level 1’ field has been moved from the header level to the meter level within the EPR record.  This allows users to record meter readings for the same utility in various locations of the same Reporting Point.

‘Status’ Column – Paging

Previously the ‘Status’ column in the Events Module displayed a checkbox for each state.  With so many different states available this was not an efficient design. As a result, we’ve replaced this with a column that now shows the current state that the record is in.

EPR Meter Validation

Validation has now been applied to the meter reading data on an EPR record.  Where the readings, dates or meter reference are not entered/entered correctly the user is warned by the fields being highlighted in red, along with a message to indicate what the issue is.

Bug Fixes

Checkbox properties not showing

When editing a query for a tile on a dashboard, checkbox properties used on the query do not display, making it impossible to determine the criteria for the tile. This has now been resolved.

Deactivating list items not applying to Check Box controls

We have addressed the issue where a disabled list item Check Box control, such as ‘Weapon Used’ when adding event details, was not being removed from the entry screen if disabled.

Mandatory setting lost on Audit template activation

An issue in Audit Admin where the mandatory setting on tabs was reverting to off when the template is activated has been fixed.

Following the pen test performed on AVA to evaluate the security of the system, some minor changes have been made to user experience to allow us to introduce security improvements.

Adding Actions to Audit questions opens incorrect window

When clicking on the lightning icon to add an action to an Audit, the action entry form now correctly appears rather than the homepage.

Event Export – ‘Part of Body Affected’ not returning data

Previously when an Event Export was run, no data was populating in the ‘Part of Body Affected’ column.  This has now been resolved so that this data is included.

Event Export Hanging

An issue was reported where the Event Export was hanging and the user was therefore unable to retrieve the data.  This has now been resolved.

Actions – Incorrect Assignee List Showing

Permissions were not applying correctly to the Action Assignee list, meaning that users without ‘Write’ permission could be selected.  This has now be resolved to ensure that only correct users are available to select.