Change of Behaviour for Risk Update Item Button

You will shortly see an update to the Risk Module workflow. When a user selects the “Update item” button either on creation of a task or adding a hazard, they will no longer be navigated back to the table view and they will remain on the same page. This will help when it comes to adding Actions to your hazards or tasks, as the Risk record requires updating before-hand.

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NEW Checklist Module

health and safety checklist is a tool used to reinforce best practices and help you comply with safety regulations. Performing regular checks using the checklist module will allow you to identify areas for improvement and take action to ensure safe working environments. 

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Through a comprehensive platform, EcoOnline offers all the modules that a company needs to create safe, compliant and efficient workplaces.

The functionally rich integrated platform ensure real time decision support and EHS analytics – drive efficiency, whilst safeguarding your workforce, customers, and company reputation. 

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